Abstract submission

Areas of interest

This symposium will bring together researchers from different fields with an emphasis on new techniques, applications and fields of research. Theoretical, computational, experimental and observational approaches will be included, with the goal of bringing together different communities and encouraging interdisciplinary interactions.

Abstract submission

The abstract deadline is February 11, 2019. Abstracts should be sent as both .tex and .pdf files, as well as any images or figures in .pdf, .jpg or .png format, to iutam2019@ucsd.edu. The Scientific Organizing Committee will use the abstracts to select oral presentations and put together the meeting schedule.

Formatting instructions

The abstract should not exceed one A4/letter page, including any figures. The LaTeX template available here should be used. The class file should be fairly self-explanatory. Queries should be sent to iutam2019@ucsd.edu. The size of the page, fonts and overall layout should not be changed.